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Countdown to DC Fest

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nadya Suleman gave birth to six boys and two girls

Suleman, a 33-year-old single mother, already had six children, ages 2 to 7 when she gave birth to her octuplets on Jan. 26.......

So why am I blogging about this? This woman needs help, and I do not mean financial help.
You see, this mom, does not have the means to support her children, she is SINGLE, which would not be a huge deal if she did not have so many kids. Her children were concieved invitro.

I have been watching some of the coverage of this story, and is has been said she was obsessed with having kids from the time she was a teen. Now she is looking to sell her story. So what does it all come down to? She is a narcissist; she is doing this to bring attention to herself, and for financial gain.

Oh, did I say financial gain? YES I DID…. When are people going to learn that children are about love, and not for financial gain? Does anyone really think that a single mom can care for all of her 14, yes 14 children? I think not. She is placing dollar amounts on this. She is asking for $2 million to do an interview with Oprah.

Even though most people are not getting million dollar deals, the sad part is that people are using their kids for financial gain in other ways. First of all, it is selfish to have kids if you can not afford to support them yourself, secondly, it is sick to have more children than you can care for and most importantly it is wrong to try to or to get compensation in monetary gain to support children that you chose to bring into this world. This story is just yet, another example of a parent who cares more about the money than the children. I am in no way saying she does not love her children, but if she loved the six children she had before this birth she would not have attempted to have more. She is running a day care, an orphanage, whatever you want to call it. There is no way that she can give this many children the love and attention that children need. Some people have problems giving those important elements to two children much less 14.

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