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Friday, February 20, 2009

Another grandmother who THINKS her grandchild is HERS

Watch the video before reading this post. I am addressing what is said at the VERY END.

The Caylee Anthony case has touched the hearts of most anyone in the world. Her mother still sits in jail, her mother was not present, nor did she ask to be present at the memorial service. Cindy Anthony said some things in her beautiful eulogy that were striking. You see, Cindy thought Caylee was HER baby, she could not accept that Caylee was a grand-daughter. It has been mentioned that at a birthday party for Caylee that Cindy wanted Caylee to call her MOM and that Cindy was helping Caylee open her gifts. In this video, Cindy says God gave her three children.
What Casey Anthony did to little Caylee is wrong by all means, and Casey Anthony really needs some help in so many perspectives, yet with reviewing this eulogy again and catching on to what Cindy says about Caylee being her own it makes you wonder if Casey murdered Caylee because Casey is the baby of the family and her own mother was giving her baby more attention that she was giving her own child. So did Casey feel jilted? This still does not justify what Casey Anthony did to Caylee, but may be a place for psychologist to start working with Casey Anthony.
This should be a wakeup call to all the grandmothers out there who want to have so much control over their grandchildren that they see them as their own, instead of just loving them like they should, like a grandchild, not a child. Grandmothers, you raised your children, you did your job, now let your children raise their children and love their children like your parents let you raise and love yours. Think about how you would have felt when raising your children, if your mother would have taken over your child and you had no say so, no decision making in their rearing, and how it would have affected you directly.

The Caylee Anthony case has touched the hearts of most anyone in the world. Her mother still sits in jail, her mother was not present, nor did she ask to be present at the memorial service. Cindy Anthony said some things in her beautiful eulogy that were striking. You see, Cindy thought Caylee was HER baby, she could not accept that Caylee was a grand-daughter. It has been mentioned that at a birthday party for Caylee that Cindy wanted Caylee to call her MOM and that Cindy was helping Caylee open her gifts. In this video, Cindy says God gave her three children.
What Casey Anthony did to little Caylee is wrong by all means, and Casey Anthony really needs some help in so many perspectives, yet with reviewing this eulogy again and catching on to what Cindy says about Caylee being her own it makes you wonder if Casey murdered Caylee because Casey is the baby of the family and her own mother was giving her baby more attention that she was giving her own child. So did Casey feel jilted? This still does not justify what Casey Anthony did to Caylee, but may be a place for psychologist to start working with Casey Anthony.
This should be a wakeup call to all the grandmothers out there who want to have so much control over their grandchildren that they see them as their own, instead of just loving them like they should, like a grandchild, not a child. Grandmothers, you raised your children, you did your job, now let your children raise their children and love their children like your parents let you raise and love yours. Think about how you would have felt when raising your children, if your mother would have taken over your child and you had no say so, no decision making in their rearing, and how it would have affected you directly.

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