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Countdown to DC Fest

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Psychiatric care and counseling on the way.

Last week I received notice that the boys will start seeing a psychiatrist as well as a counselor. The psych will be assisting them with medication because they have been on the same medication for two different diagnoses, and the counselor will be helping them work through a lot of other problems.
Here is the thing about that, I have NEVER nor will EVER believe that the oldest is Bi-Polar, this means if he is NOT, then he will no longer qualify to draw SSI and someone’s paycheck will decrease.
Either way, SSI will be looking into a LOT of things that are going on there at the compound anyway. Thats another FEDERAL area.. hmmmm

1 comment:

  1. How sad is it that people (blood relatives at that) have to use innocent children for their own ego and monetary gain? The game playing has been taken way too far and gone on way too long. Good luck, Steph, you'll put an end to it and have your boys back where they belong, with YOU!

