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Countdown to DC Fest

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Controlling Mother creating a "Momm'a Boy" Part #1

Some mothers prepare for 18 years to let their children go out into the world. Other mothers spend 18 years trying to keep them children, and fear the day they will loose them.

Let’s review some of the traits of the Control Freak:
• Black and white thinking• Control of conversation• Must be “right”• Attempt to prove you wrong• Rewrite history to make their point• Use of intimidation • Rigid • Coercion and forced agreements• Shaming

Control Freaks are not only domineering, but tenacious as well. They are like a bulldog with a bone—there is absolutely no way you will dissuade them from their point of view. Any attempt to do so will only lead to frustration on your part. They are relentless, narrowly focused, and doggedly determined.

Mother's boy, also called mama's boy, is a term for a man who is excessively attached to his mother at an age when men are expected to be independent (e.g. live on their own, be economically independent). A mother's boy may be effete or effeminate, or might be perceived as being macho, or might have a personality disorder, such as avoidant personality disorder, or might be schizophrenic, so that the mother acts as a caretaker. In any case, a mother's boy cannot maintain a healthy partnership with a woman.
A mother-bonded man is seen to give control of his own life to his mother, in exchange for a sense of security.

So what defines a "Momma's Boy" ?
1) A grown male still dependent on his mother.
2) A grown male who allows or desires his mother to control most aspects or decisions of his life for him.
3) One who cannot make decessions for himself and has to have his mothers approval no matter right or wrong.
4) One who needs to hear from or see his mother on a daily basis and definately more then once.
5) He has a mommy who still calls the shots.
6) An immiture adult male who refuses to grow up by allowing his mommy to run his life.

What makes a "Momma's Boy" ? A Controlling MOTHER...........

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