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Countdown to DC Fest

Monday, December 8, 2008

An interesting comment left on the blog today...

"Anonymous said...
Someone needs to help these kids get out of there. I know
these people. The old lady has had her kids stealing for her for years. There
used to be a little bar next door the their land, she had her sons break in.
They stole several neon beer lights and snacks from the building. I know more. I
will email you. Anyone who has ever gotten involved with these people have ended
up in trouble and on drugs. "

When I got up and going this morning this comment was on the blog. This is very intersting. I can not wait for the promised email. Who knows what else this commenter knows.

1 comment:

  1. i also know these people steal all the time i have been know them for years the laugh about getting away wit it they are all drug addicts and theves they try to get people to move on the land and then kick them off and keep their stuff it happen all the time there the mother is the ring leeder
