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Countdown to DC Fest

Friday, January 30, 2009

A kid would not call themselves old

I wonder who sent this? I does not take a rocket scentist to know this in fact did not come from a 13 year old kid. You people should be ashamed of yourselves.


  1. I would lay money on this that it is the drug addict aunt KELLI......
    Yeah I know this family and this is just how she talks. They all need to get a clue.

  2. Word is she has a new phone. hmmmmmmmmmmm
    Keep up the good work Steph, you have done a good job exposing the trailer trahs for for what they are so far and I know you will come out a winner in the end. I just hope they have not inposed too much dammage to your boys, they are really cute and deserve much more than the likes of the trash they reside with. I have often wondered what you have done with your life and where you went. I see from finding your site and blog that you have gone on to be the wonderful person I always knew you were.
