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Monday, January 19, 2009

Alienators deserve what they get....

Alienating parents talk behind our back to our children and to other people. They try to paint a picture as if the non-custodial parent is a bad person. But what if the alienator were in our shoes? Would they act the way they act now? Would they talk the way they do now?
Some of us spend years keeping our mouths shut, and the pain builds. Every time we are denied a phone call or a visit it hurts. The alienating parent has one goal in mind and that is to poison the mind of the poor children who are involved. The non custodial parent lives for the next time they get to see their child.
A volcano does not erupt over night. It builds up with all its might, the hot lava that is eventually spews out onto the earth when it erupts. Non-custodial parents are nothing more than a volcano waiting to erupt.
If for just one day the custodial alienator could walk in our shoes and feel just what it is that we feel in one day’s time they would not act the way they do. If you are an alienating parent, stop and think, would you like to be separated from your children? How would you feel to go a day without speaking to them? To lay down and night and not be able to go to sleep because you do not know what kind of day your child had, or what they ate for dinner. Would you not react in the ways that have been acted upon you? If you are offended by some of the ways you have been treated, don’t be. You have opened the door for them to be done to you by doing the things you have done.
If you are an alienator really stop and think about what you are doing. You are destroying your children, yes you may be hurting your X spouse, but what if the shoe were on the other foot? If not on earth, then in death you will pay for destroying your children. This is not about you, it is not about your X spouse, this is what YOU are doing to the children you cling to for dear life and harbor against the other parent. The children are the real victims, they are the ones who will suffer the most. Is it really worth destroying your children over so that you can “have your way” ? When your children are grown and are having coping problems, you will be the one to blame?

Here is some interesting reading for those of you who do not totally understand what you are doing:

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