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Countdown to DC Fest

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I am an addiict

First and foremost what is addiction? The term "addiction" is used in many contexts to describe an obsession, compulsion, or excessive physical dependence or psychological dependence. So what am I addicted to?

I am addicted to my kids, I can not get enough of seeing them, loving them and giving unto them my entire self. I bet you were thinking I was going to say I was addicted some something else? OK so now that you have been stunned by the header of this post and now know what I am addicted to, you can go on with the judging.
I do have just one more addiction to admit to, I am addicted to creating, being an artist. This addiction is a healthy addiction. Being addicted to creating art is a healthy way to express your feelings, to vent your feelings, your frustrations, your happiness and your tears. By creating a piece of work I reflecting myself, inside and out.
So many people walk this earth judging other by their outward appearance. If you see someone on the street and they are covered with tattoos do you form an opinion in your mind of what that person is like? Sure, we all do…. We are HUMAN and that is what humans do. But when is the last time that you took the time to get to know someone who at first glance seemed like someone you would not want to know? You might be surprised at the person you meet. You never know what it is that is inside someone, inside their heart, their soul and their mind. You will never FULLY know or understand anyone. But by taking the time to listen and get to know them you can begin to understand more about them that what the picture of them in your first glance gave you in your mind. You will never know how deep their feelings run, or how they really feel about certain things.
Have you ever lost a loved one and people tell you they know how you feel? Did it frustrate you? For some people it does. For instance I have a friend who lost her husband to a really bad accident. I seen her, she was broken; she was a shell of the person she once was. She was dealing with her grief the only way she knew how. I could understand she was sad; she would never see him again, touch him again, hear his voice again or feel his embrace. But what I could never understand is how she felt about it all. How much pain that it caused her inside because we all deal with things in our own way. I could never know or understand the deepness of her own feelings. I could sympathize with her because I knew she felt pain, but no I did not then and will never know it was and is that she feels. If only more people understood this, I am sure we would all be better people.
When you see someone in pain, or someone who is not happy with you or something you do, do not say “I know how you feel” ask them to help you understand what is bothering them and work with them to find a way to help the situation. If you are creating anger with someone, ask them what it is that they are doing that is making you angry and then work on it, try your best to not do the things that makes this person tick.

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