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Countdown to DC Fest

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Three Star Celebrities on Talkshoe TONIGHT: Don't miss

Starting at 8:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time:

Join by computer and/or by phone:
--- http://www.talkshoe .com/tc/39517
--- (724) 444-7444, show # 39517, Guest Code # "1"

U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI)
One very serious Parental Rights advocate,
Congressperson, and all-around good guy..

Pete will join us to discuss the terrific work
on the Federal Parental Rights Amendment!

With two dozen OTHER federal Congressmen and Congresswomen that
are already co-signers/co- sponsors of this critical protection Legislation,
and with our help in convincing Congresspeople from around the country
to also support Parental Rights, we can WIN a major battle in this year!

Visit Pete and see his serious Parental Rights position, on the internet:
http://hoekstra. Issues/Issue/ ?IssueID= 4332

Wendy Wright, President of CWA
Concerned Women for America is the largest
organized group of women working for family
and related conservative values in the nation.

Wendy will join us LIVE for our family rights!

Wendy promotes legislation and international policies that are beneficial to
women and families, briefs congressional and presidential staff on various
pro-family issues, and trains grassroots activists. She has been frequently
interviewed in national media on moral, social and political issues. Wendy
was named among "The 100 Most Powerful Women of Washington" in '06
by the Washingtonian Magazine. The National Pro-Life Religious Council
awarded Wendy also for her "continuous leadership in the cause of life."

Visit Wendy and see her serious Family Rights position, on the internet:
http://www.cwfa. org/articledispl ay.asp?id= 2107

Dr. Stephen K. Baskerville, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Political Science at
Patrick Henry College, Purcellville, Virginia

Stephen is already well-known for writing the
top-rated expose book, Taken Into Custody

Stephen is widely recognized as one of the leading authorities on modern
American family courts. His writings on family and fatherhood issues have
appeared in leading national and international publications, both popular
and scholarly. He has appeared on national radio and television programs,
including The O’Reilly Factor, Hardball with Chris Matthews, The Dennis
Prager Show, The Michael Medved Show, CNN, as well as Court TV with
Fred Graham and Katherine Crier, Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg, and
on Extension 720 with Milt Rosenberg, as well as many other shows.

Visit Dr. Baskerville on the internet, to see his many reform contributions:
http://www.stephenb askerville. net/bio.htm

Stephen has yet to confirm whether he will have 10-15 minutes to appear
on this same Talkshow tonight (# 39517, starting at 8pm EST) with the
other famous two celebrities, but has also already scheduled to be guest
speaker on the immediately following Talkshow episode, hosted by the
Equal Parenting Party --- http://www.talkshoe .com/tc/26955

The Equal Parenting Party's Talkshoe, just above, starts at 9:00 pm EST

Then, we will continue the fun, at 11:00 pm EST tonight, with the teams
of people working for your best Parental Rights events year, ever, on the
PARENTSTOCK 2009 / DC FESTIVAL Talkshoe shoe. Be there to hear
about all the great things happening in the background. Amaze friends!!
http://www.talkshoe .com/tc/37984


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