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Countdown to DC Fest

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


If you have not done so, please click on the link in the post below and read some of the stories. Even after all this time, and I know I have said this before, but I will say it again, every time I hear these stories it makes my blood boil, and I still find myself being shocked.
When are alienators going to understand that the things they are doing are harmful to their children? I still do understand why some people choose to do the things they do, it is mostly out of love, but what is loving in teaching a child to hate the other parent? Call it love, call it selfishness, either way, there is no excuse for destroying your own child, pure and simple it is CHILD ABUSE.
The other day my husband decided to bring home a puppy. Mind you I already have one dog; he is my longtime companion shih-Tzu. He was a rescue baby, the human people in his life before coming to live with us kicked him, broke his back and a couple of ribs. They put him outside in the rain and mud, and fed him cat food. When he was found, his hair was matted to his skin and it took weeks to get him back to good health. When he first came to live with us, he was scared of us, because humans had done him so wrong. He would go under the bed or a table and sit under it hoping to go UN noticed. He trusted no one, and really who could have blamed him for the abuse that he suffered for so long. We gave him love, care and let him know that he was safe. It took some time for him to come to trust us but all these years later he could not be a happier little guy.
Back to the new puppy, it was almost like we had forgotten all the work we did to ensure a new puppy that things were going to be OK where it is now. So this little girl, who is a Heinz 57, but a really cute little mix puppy, comes into our home on Sunday. At first our older dog was not sure about the new addition, and I admit, I was a little unsure about the decision as well. But a few days later I am starting to understand and see things that had been put to the back of my mind. You see, we tend to go with what is comfortable; change is hard on us all but sometimes change is for the best.
Had we not accepted the puppy into our family, who knows where she would end up, in fact if her siblings do not find homes this week they will be in a shelter where their chances of living a long life are nil. So taking the little girl out of a bad situation for her was a good thing. But she had to adjust as well. The first couple of nights were pretty rough. First she had to learn about her new home, and our older dog had to learn to share his space, love and attention.
Even though some of us struggle with not having our kids with us, and sometimes are kids have been programmed to hate, talk back, and act out, they can adjust and change. All they need is some love, attention, and a positive role model. Yes it will take time, take some counseling, and patients on our part as adults, but it can be done.
Be persistent with your goals to prove that your children are being programmed, programming is abuse. And when you get them home, and I know a lot of you will, treat them with love like you would when you bring a new puppy home. It takes adjusting on all parties parts, but things can and will change.

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